
16th Annual Samuel Armistead Colloquium Program

16th Annual Samuel Armistead Colloquium


Digital Landscapes: Paths to Reparative Justice in a Technological World


This year's colloquium will be a hybrid event held on April 6th (online) and 7th (in-person).

This event focuses on the relationship between humanities, technological resources and social justice.

Join us for a Series of Films by the Argentine Documentarian Andrés Di Tella

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites the UC Davis community to a series of films by Argentine documentarian Andrés di Tella, offered in the context of Professor Lazzara’s graduate seminar on “Memory, Culture, and Human Rights.” The last film in the series (March 10th) will be followed by a live conversation with the filmmaker.

Congratulations the Calaveritas Contest Winners!

This year's Calaveritas Contest had many fantastic entries, see the winning entries!

Las calaveras son poemas satíricos que forman parte de la
celebración del Día de Muertos. A manera de epitafio
burlesco, relatan la muerte de una persona.
Tradicionalmente suelen estar dedicadas a personas de
autoridad o figuras de la vida pública, y comúnmente
encierran críticas sociales o comentarios políticos.



Ankita Karthik

Donald Trump, eres único,

NEH Working Group Earns LULAC Recognition for Curricular Enhancement Project

A departmental working group for the project "Preparing Bilingual Spanish Speaking Students for Careers in Immigration Law" has been awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the League of United Latin American Citizens "for championing the needs of bilingual students and promoting bilingualism in the legal profession." The award was presented on October 10, 2022, at a meeting of the working group with five UC Davis alumni who returned to campus to offer feedback on the project.

Filmed Event - Careers in Law, Advocacy, and Social Services for Immigrant Communities

With support from the National Endowment from the Humanities, the Global Migration Center, and the Spanish and Portuguese department, Professors Robert Irwin and Emily Vázquez hosted the event "Careers in Law, Advocacy, and Social Services for Immigrant Communities." At this event, a panel of distinguished alumni from the Spanish and Portuguese department talked about their experiences following career paths that focus on helping Latinx communities, and about how their Spanish major has helped them accomplish their professional goals.