LULAC Seal, a stars and striped themed shield .

NEH Working Group Earns LULAC Recognition for Curricular Enhancement Project

A man and a woman stand holding a framed award

A departmental working group for the project "Preparing Bilingual Spanish Speaking Students for Careers in Immigration Law" has been awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the League of United Latin American Citizens "for championing the needs of bilingual students and promoting bilingualism in the legal profession." The award was presented on October 10, 2022, at a meeting of the working group with five UC Davis alumni who returned to campus to offer feedback on the project. Principal Investigators for the project, Professors Robert McKee Irwin and Emily Vázquez Enríquez, have been assisted by PhD students María José Gutiérrez and Sarah Ashford Hart. Alumni in attendance included Roxanna Topete of Disability Rights California (class of 2010), Vanessa Campos of California Rural Legal Assistance (class of 2019), Rigo Nava of Benefit Bottle (class of 2017), Gabriel Valdovinos of Legal Services of Northern California (class of 2022) and José Barrera of LULAC (class of 2017).